Can Pregnant Women Drink Herbal Tea During Pregnancy?

Tea can provide relief from various discomforts of pregnancy, including nausea, stomach upset and constipation. Unfortunately, not all teas are safe to consume during gestation – some contain herbs which have not been studied while others could potentially be dangerous if combined with certain medicines (for instance those used to treat high blood pressure or diabetes).

Pregnant mothers must learn which herbal teas are safe during gestation and which ones to avoid, with some popular choices listed here:

Peppermint tea: This minty beverage may help ease digestive issues and relieve symptoms such as indigestion and bloating, while also helping to decrease cortisol levels – helping relieve stress during pregnancy. Ginger tea: Many pregnant women find that sipping ginger tea daily helps alleviate morning sickness symptoms as well as constipation – however, no more than five grams should be consumed per day while expecting.

Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea can help promote restful sleep; however, excessive consumption has been linked with miscarriage risk and preterm labor risk; additionally it could interfere with medications like painkillers and sedatives.

Green tea: Green tea is generally considered safe to consume during gestation. An excellent source of antioxidants, it has been linked to reduced heart disease risk as well as improved digestion and strengthening immunity.

Black Tea: While generally considered safe during pregnancy, large consumptions of black and green tea should be limited. Both varieties contain caffeine which can be detrimental if consumed in excess during the first trimester; even four cups per day could put you over your caffeine quotient, according to experts.

Herbal teas specifically designed for pregnancy: Although many herbal teas marketed as safe to drink during gestation aren’t scientifically tested, many contain ingredients which haven’t been verified as being suitable for pregnant women or their unborn baby, such as nettle leaf and red raspberry leaves.

Teas sold at natural health stores and supermarkets are commonly sold, yet it’s essential that pregnant women are aware of any possible risks before purchasing one. Herbal ingredients in teas may contain higher concentrations than food products, making them unsafe for pregnant women and their unborn babies. Furthermore, some ingredients found in some teas could pass through the placenta and interfere with medications prescribed to you – it would be prudent to consult a healthcare professional or midwife prior to drinking these types of drinks.